Mass Oyster Project

Restoring our beaches and shores

The Massachusetts Oyster Project is a non-profit working to strengthen our coastal environment by restoring native shellfish populations to our beaches and coastal estuaries. Through oyster cultivation, shell recycling, education and advocacy we can improve water quality, increase the diversity of sea life and mitigate the effects of climate change.


Stay Connected



It’s SHELL recycling season

Every year, we keep oyster shells out of landfills and use them to restore our beaches and shores.

Reflecting on our Symposium

The symposium attracted more than 50 people representing 20 organizations from across 10 states.

The shell recycling process

Our friends at Long Wharf put together a great video profile of our Oyster Shell Recycling program.


 Our Story

We all love eating oysters.

But did you know, not too long ago, huge underwater reefs made up of tens-of-thousands of oysters lined the Massachusetts coast. These reefs protected our shores, provided safe homes to countless species of plants and animals and helped keep our water clean; a single oyster filtering up to fifty gallons of water each day. 

Unfortunately, over time, boats have gotten bigger, waters have warmed and winter storms have worsened - decimating the natural oyster population.

Working closely with legislators and local industry officials, across a diverse set of programs, the Massachusetts Oyster Project is safely restoring oyster populations to our rivers, oceans and coastal estuaries.